I do not live by fear. I own the present and flow through what is to come, always faithful of my strength to take with grace whatever life holds in its Pandora’s box.
..... now my reality if COVID-19.......
Fear is everywhere, fear is impossible to shy away from, fear is in the face of every person. Smiles, compasión and acceptance have been replaced by fear.
Amidst this, I’ve developed an interesting relationship with my breath. I am very aware of how well it is functioning, making sure I can hold it in for 10 seconds without pain, aware of how it interacts with fear, aware of how hard it is to breathe through the very masks that are supposed to be keeping us safe, aware of how my breath deepens when I shower after walking in the house- washing away virus and fear, giving space of the awareness, presence and the abundance I feel inside the walls of my house.
It is my breath that is guiding me through these times, helping me find the way to my center even in these times when humankind feels a bit lost.